
Way to Go!!

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is extremely proud of the academic achievements of its youth.

University of Montana-Western

     Andrew Lemieux, Montana National Guard Member, Honor Roll

Beaverhead County High School

      Sheridan Ferguson 4.0

      Tyer Gibson 4.0

Honor Roll

      Cohen Hartman, Faye Holland, Gabe Lemlin, Logan Morrison, Tel Holland, Jacob Harvey, Logan Peterson, Keniston Sampson

Dillon Middle School

       Landon Lovaas 4.0

       Noah Feenstra 4.0

       Landri Hartman 4.0

      Bridget Lovaas 4.0

Honor Roll

       Madison Sampson, Aiden Ferguson


Sunday 2/26

    Sunday School @ 9:15

    Adult Sunday School @ 9:30

    Hymnal Communion Service @ 10:30

         Pastor Lance Morrisons presents “The Lion’s Den” based on Daniel 6

   Coffee Hour @ 11:30

Bible Verses:

        Jeremiah 2:13, 1st Peter 4: 1-6, Matthew 16: 21-23


       Spirit of the Living God, Living Water, Above All

Wednesday 3/1

   Soup Supper @ 5:30

  Lent Communion and Imposition of Ashes Service @ 6:30

      Pastor Lance Morrison; “A Strange Romance”: Hosea 3: 1-5

       Responsive Readings;

              Psalm 51 and 103

Bible Verses

        Jeremiah 3: 1-4, 19-20, Micah 7: 18-20, Luke 1:54-55


      When I Survey the Wonderous Cross, In the Cross of Christ I Glory


Dust Thou Art, And Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return.

         Genesis 3:19

Our Savior’s Lutheran will be observing Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Service will begin at 6:30

     All are welcome to join us for Communion and Imposition of Ashes.

Pastor Lance Morrison presents Hosea 3: 1-5 “A Strange Romance.”

Responsive Reading: Psalm 51, Psalm 103

Songs: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, In the Cross of Christ, I Glory.

Dust Thou Art, And Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return.

         Genesis 3:19

Our Savior’s Lutheran will be observing Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Service will begin at 6:30

     All are welcome to join us for Communion and Imposition of Ashes.

Pastor Lance Morrison presents Hosea 3: 1-5 “A Strange Romance.”

Responsive Reading: Psalm 51, Psalm 103

Songs: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, In the Cross of Christ, I Glory.


Sexagesmia Sunday

Our Savior’s Lutheran Invites all!!

Sunday 2/12/23

Sunday School @ 9:15

Adult Sunday School @ 9:30

Praise Team Service @ 10:30

          Guest Speaker Doug Daenzer

                      The Wisdom of God

Coffee Hour @ 11:30

Scripture Verses

       Isaiah 25: 1-9

       1st Corinthians 1: 20-25

       John 12: 35-43


      Come, Now is the Time to Worship

      Humble Thyself

      Lord, I Lift Your Name on High

      Jesus Strong and Kind


February 5, 2023

We Welcome and Invite all Believers to Our Table

      Not a Believer Yet, Come, Listen, Learn and Visit

    Join Our Savior’s Lutheran for Communion Sunday 2/5/2023.

9:15 Sunday School

9:30 Adult Sunday School

10:30 Communion Service

      Pastor Lance Morrison presents.

             “Who is really in charge Here” based on Daniel 4


     Daniel 5: 17-30

     1st Corinthians 3: 1-15

     Matthew 19: 27-30


   Great is Thy Faithfulness

  I’m Pressing on the Upward Way

 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide