
Celebrate Lent

Join us in Celebration of Lent. Wednesday March 22

       Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

Soup Supper at 5:30

Service @ 6:30

     Pastor Lance Morrison offers his sermon,

                   “Out of Egypt” based on Exodus 12

Responsive reading: Exodus 15: 1-18

Scripture Lessons: John 6: 51-57, Hebrews 10: 5-10

Hymns:: And Can It Be That I Should Gain, There is a Fountain Filled with Blood, Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross

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Join Us!

 Contemporary Communion Service           Sunday 3/19

             Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

 Sunday School @ 9:15

Adult Sunday School @ 9:30

Communion Service @ 10:30

     Learn through teaching with

              Pastor Lance Morrison “Triple Blessed” based on Psalms 84

Scripture Readings:

             Isaiah 42: 1-8, Psalms 84: 1-4, John 8: 24-36           

Numerous Praise Songs

 Coffee Hour @ 11:30


Wednesday 3/15/2023

 Our Savior’s Lutheran Invite All

  Soup supper @ 5:30

           Lent Service, Wednesday, March 15th @ 6:30

           Message: Pastor Lance Morrison “The Rescue”

                  Exodus 14:1-24

           Responsive Reading: Leviticus 26:3-12

           Scripture Reading:   Proverbs 24: 10-12, Hebrews 5: 1-10

           Hymns:  Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It.

                         Jesus Paid It All

                        I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus


March 12, 2023

Our Savior’s Lutheran invite all to Worship with us, Sunday 3/12

Sunday School 9:15

Adult Sunday School 9:30

Praise Team Service @ 10:30

     Learn and Grow through Teaching

            Pastor Lance Morrison presents “Free Indeed” based on John 8: 31-44

Coffee Hour @ 11:30

Scripture Lessons:

        Genesis 22: 1-18, Revelations 2:1-7, John 8: 31-44


       Shout to the Lord, Change My Heart, Oh God!, My Jesus, I Love Thee, Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone


We invite all to join us.

Soup Supper @ 5:30

Service @ 6:30

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

Dillon, Montana

Lenten Service

March 8, 2023

Responsive Reading: Psalm 103 A Psalm of David

Scripture Readings:

Ephesians 2:1-10

Romans 15:8-13

Hymns: “Grace Greater than Our Sin”

“There Is a Place of Quiet Rest”

: “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”

Message: Luke 15:11-32 “The Prodigal Father”

Pastor Lance Morrison

THE BASICS OF LENT | San Clemente Catholic Church

For God So Love the World, That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Whosoever Believeth in Him Should Not Perish but Have Everlasting Life.  John 3:16

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church will celebrate the Seasons of Lent Sunday 3/5/2023.

Sunday School 9:15

Adult Sunday School @ 9:30

Communion Service @10:30

   Pastor Lance Morrison: “The Chosen Servant: based on Isaiah 42: 1-7

Coffee Hour @11:30

     Exodus 14: 13-31

     Isaiah 42: 1-7

     Luke 7:36-50


    Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

    Love Devine, All Love Excelling

    What Wondrous Love is This


Way to Go!!

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is extremely proud of the academic achievements of its youth.

University of Montana-Western

     Andrew Lemieux, Montana National Guard Member, Honor Roll

Beaverhead County High School

      Sheridan Ferguson 4.0

      Tyer Gibson 4.0

Honor Roll

      Cohen Hartman, Faye Holland, Gabe Lemlin, Logan Morrison, Tel Holland, Jacob Harvey, Logan Peterson, Keniston Sampson

Dillon Middle School

       Landon Lovaas 4.0

       Noah Feenstra 4.0

       Landri Hartman 4.0

      Bridget Lovaas 4.0

Honor Roll

       Madison Sampson, Aiden Ferguson


Sunday 2/26

    Sunday School @ 9:15

    Adult Sunday School @ 9:30

    Hymnal Communion Service @ 10:30

         Pastor Lance Morrisons presents “The Lion’s Den” based on Daniel 6

   Coffee Hour @ 11:30

Bible Verses:

        Jeremiah 2:13, 1st Peter 4: 1-6, Matthew 16: 21-23


       Spirit of the Living God, Living Water, Above All

Wednesday 3/1

   Soup Supper @ 5:30

  Lent Communion and Imposition of Ashes Service @ 6:30

      Pastor Lance Morrison; “A Strange Romance”: Hosea 3: 1-5

       Responsive Readings;

              Psalm 51 and 103

Bible Verses

        Jeremiah 3: 1-4, 19-20, Micah 7: 18-20, Luke 1:54-55


      When I Survey the Wonderous Cross, In the Cross of Christ I Glory


Dust Thou Art, And Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return.

         Genesis 3:19

Our Savior’s Lutheran will be observing Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Service will begin at 6:30

     All are welcome to join us for Communion and Imposition of Ashes.

Pastor Lance Morrison presents Hosea 3: 1-5 “A Strange Romance.”

Responsive Reading: Psalm 51, Psalm 103

Songs: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, In the Cross of Christ, I Glory.

Dust Thou Art, And Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return.

         Genesis 3:19

Our Savior’s Lutheran will be observing Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Service will begin at 6:30

     All are welcome to join us for Communion and Imposition of Ashes.

Pastor Lance Morrison presents Hosea 3: 1-5 “A Strange Romance.”

Responsive Reading: Psalm 51, Psalm 103

Songs: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, In the Cross of Christ, I Glory.