
Sunday September 4, 2022

Communion Service @ 10:30

Message by Pastor Morrison, “Doubting Thomas” based on John 20: 24-29

Hymns: “Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus”, “Just as I Am”, ” Amazing Grace

Bible Verses: Isaiah 29: 18-19, 2nd Corinthians 3: 1-11, Mark 7: 31-37

All are invited to attend!


Rally Sunday

             Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Rally Sunday 

Sunday September 11th @ 9:15

                                 Open to all Dillon children ages 3 ½ through high school

                                Call Pastor Lance Morrison @ 406-683-5374

                                 More Information to come.


Pre-School Open House

There will be a Hand n Hand Pre-School Open House on Thursday, September 8, from 5:30-7

Our 2022-2023 school year began on September 12.  We currently have 16 students enrolled.  Our classes includes 7 full time students who attend daily from 8:15-12:00.  We also have 9 part-time students who attend 3 days a week from 8:15-12:00.  The age of our students are 3 1/2 – 5 years old. 

 Please contact Julie Carr, our head teacher, @ (309) 251-4634, with any questions.