We have exciting news!   Kimheang Vance, an OCC shoebox recipient, is coming to your area Friday, June 2nd through Sunday, June 4th   Walking an hour each way to school from her family’s farm in Cambodia, Kimheang passed by a house church. She had never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ until age 14 when the pastor’s wife invited her to a Christmas program. Kimheang was captivated by the worship music and message about Jesus. Then, she and the other children there each received a gift—an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. It was the first gift that Kimheang had ever received. Come hear how receiving this gift drew her to The Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ.  
 Friday, June 2nd   7-8:30pm:              Grace Bible Church (1049 Laknar Lane, Dillon)   Carole Meltzer
Operation Christmas Child Volunteer Area Coordinator for Central Montana 209-743-9258 centralmontanaOCC@gmail.com