Showing: 1 - 10 of 226 RESULTS
Heroines of the Bible Part 1 - Daily Dose

There is so much to learn about in The Bible.  Join us Sunday to hear the story of Jael, a heroine who aids the Israelites.

9:15: Sunday School

9:30: Adult Sunday School/Bible Study

10:30 Praise Team Service

Learn and Grow through Teaching

   Pastor Lance Morrison- “Jael, when hospitality becomes heroic” Judges 4

Hymns: I Will Follow, Change My Heart, Mighty to Save

Scripture Texts: Jeremiah 18: 1-10, Colossians 3: 12-17, Matthew 13: 24-30

11:30: Coffee Hour

Hands On Bible Teacher: The Book of Judges. Ehud the Judge

Do you have any idea who Ehud was?  Have you ever heard of him?  Attend church with us this week and learn about this man from the book of Judges.

9:15: Sunday School

9:30: Adult Sunday School/ Bible study

10:30: Ambassador Hymnal Communion Service

Learn and Grow through Teaching

   Pastor Lance Morrison: “Ehu, The Left-Handed Deliverer” Judges 3

Scripture Texts: Isaiah 51: 1-11, Romans 13: 8-10, Matthew 8: 23-27

Hymns: Trust and Obey, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us, Yield Not to Temptation

11:30: Coffee


Fund Raiser for our School

Get ready for an unforgettable evening of FUN, all for a fantastic cause! Join us at Hand N Hand Preschool for our 2025 Carnival Fundraiser—a night filled with exciting carnival games, awesome prizes, face painting, balloon animals, and so much more! 🎠✨

Every ticket and every game you play helps raise money for scholarships that will provide deserving children with the opportunity to attend our preschool. Your support means the world to us—and to the little ones whose lives we’re helping shape.

you are the light of the world - Matthew 5:14

Our Savior’s Lutheran invites all believers to join them Sunday, 1/26, to hear about The Light of the World

9:15: Sunday School

9:30: Adult Sunday School/ Bible Study

10:30: Ambassador Hymnal Service

Learn and Grow through Teaching

    Pastor Lance Morrison: “Being Light in the Dark Places” Matthew 5                 

Scripture Texts: Numbers 24: 10-17, Romans 12: 17-21, Matthew 8: 1-13

Hymns: Come, Though Fount of Every Blessing, Lead Kindly Light, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.


Come and Sing Praises to Our God! Join our Praise Team as they share music!

9:15: Sunday School

9:30: Adult Sunday School/Bible Study

10:30: Praise Team Communion Service

Learn and Grow Through Teaching

    Pastor Lance Morrison: “Standing Firm When Values Clash”

             1st Peter 3: 15-16, 2nd Timothy 2:15

Scripture Text: Isaiah 8: 20-22, Romans 12: 6-16, John 2: 1-11

9 Praise Songs

11:30: Coffee Hour


Digital World

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by our digital world?

Join us Sunday, 1/12/2025, to hear how words from The Bible can be an in anchor is our connected age.

9:15: Sunday School

9:30: Adult Sunday School/Bible Study

10:30 Prase Team Service

    Learn and Grow Through Teaching; Pastor Lance Morrison

       “Digital Discipleship: Faith in a Connected Age”

            1st Corinthians 10: 23-24, Romans 14:12

Scripture Texts: Deuteronomy 6: 1-9, Romans 12: 1-5, Luke 2: 41-52

Hymns: Take MY Heart, Draw Me Close to You, By the Power of Your Name

11:30 Coffee Hour


Find Joy in the Bible

Want to find joy in the Bible? Attend church with us this weekend and find out how.

9:15: Sunday School

9:30: Adult Sunday School/Bible Study

10:30: Hymnal Communion Service

 Learn and Grow through Teaching 

       Pastor Lance Morrison “Choosing Joy in an Anxious World” Philippians 1: 12-14

Scripture Texts: Isaiah 45: 5-7, Romans 3: 19-24, Matthew 2: 19-23

Hymns: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, We Have an Anchor, These Thing I Say to You, My Peace I Give to You

11:30: Coffee Hour



Place this note on your calendar or refrigerator

for monthly suggestions of items to give.  Feel

free to donate sewing kits, solar calculators,

notepads & other items sent to you in the mail!

January– Look at after Christmas sales for toys,

stuffed animals, whistles, matchbox cars, dolls,                                                                             

 flashlights with extra batteries

Age groups 2-4, 5-9, 10-14.

February– washcloths, toothbrushes

March– caps, gloves, socks

April– sunglasses, jump ropes, yoyo’s

May– marbles, books   

June– combs/ brushes, hair accessories

July– pencils, sharpeners, erasers, notebooks,                                                                                            


August– crayons, markers, colored pencils,                                                                                     

 coloring books

September– balls (provide pump for soccer balls)

October– fill boxes and pray for the children

November– gather postage money

Take advantage of Black Friday!